Procurement serves the needs of internal and external customers in the areas of purchasing, inventory, warehousing, and risk management. We purchase materials and services and manage inventory so that District employees have the necessary products and services to perform their work.
Ethics Statement
It is the practice of the Union Sanitary District Purchasing Department to maintain the highest ethical standards consistent with professional public procurement, best procurement practices and zero tolerance for unethical behavior in its dealings with providers of the goods and services it acquires in its normal course of business. Such practices are paramount to fostering an environment of a fair, equitable, open and completely transparent procurement process, with the ultimate goal being to increase competition which helps ensure that the “best value” is realized with every purchase.
In addition, District policy clearly prohibits the acceptance of gratuities and sets forth and explains the inherent risks that District employees and Boardmembers may be exposed to by an offer of a gratuity from entities doing business with the District.
The District’s Purchasing Department, supported by its Management, promotes and enforces the highest ethical business standards by assuring all employees:
- Conduct the procurement process with honesty and fairness.
- Ensure that prospective suppliers are afforded equal opportunity to tender a quote, bid or proposal for goods and services needed by the District.
- Adhere to all aspects of the Procurement Guideline Policy, especially with respect to the procedures pertaining to the tendering of a quote, bid or proposal.
- Keep all suppliers at “arms-length” in their day-to-day dealings with the District.
- Do not accept or acquire, by virtue of their positions within the District, personal gifts, meals, event tickets, personal services or any other gratuity of the like from a supplier or potential supplier to the District.
- Do not offer to any supplier a gift or remuneration for the benefit of advice from the supplier.
- Declare that a potential or real conflict of interest exists as soon as the employee knows or is advised of that such conflict of interest exists.
- Protect propritary and/or confidential information of suppliers, and the District, to the greatest extent possible as allowed under the law.
Additional information:
Green Purchasing
Purchasing Hours
Monday – Thursday
6:30 am to 4:00 pm
6:30 am to 3:00 pm
Warehouse Hours
Monday – Thursday
6:30 am to 4:00 pm
6:30 am to 3:00 pm
Contact information:
Purchasing Agent: Skip Calvo, 510-477-7526
Buyer: Theresa Vasquez, 510-477-7524
Fax: 510-477-7509